Wherever you live in the Northern Hemisphere, October is a time of preparation. The children are back at school, the bathing suits are packed away and thoughts turn to Thanksgiving turkeys, the perfect festive gifts, party plans and how to stay warm.

If you live in the Southern Hemisphere the kids have also returned to school, you’re getting into shape for the bathing suit, thinking of the perfect festive gift and where to spend your summer vacation. Either world has its mind on where to go for sun, fun, and new experiences.
With holidays on the mind of the whole world, we are busy gearing up for the Season so that we do not disappoint anybody from anywhere. The world is getting smaller and we are expecting guests from around the globe to our little corner of paradise.

October is usually an easy month to knuckle down in – more often than not the rains grace us with their presence and the humidity is uncomfortable. But, just like the changing trends in travel, the weather is unpredictable in where it wants to bestow its favours. I have to say we are beyond grateful this year for days and days of unspoiled blue skies, refreshing breezes and unbelievably great temperatures. Visitors from Europe have continually remarked on how wonderful our summer and early autumn days have been.
The changing climes always beg for questions from our guests… what will the temperature be? What should I pack? Of what to wear, Lisa has tried to answer some of these questions. Anything fashion-related I leave to her – I do not feel that my little corner (a few square inches) of our mutual closet qualifies me as a tropical fashion guru!
New shops are springing up in Punta Mita and Sayulita. New homes are being constructed. A new hospital is at its foundation level. And there are great new places to eat. It’s wonderful to see the innovation around us and we look forward to experiencing all these new offerings as we see the clock ticking down in anticipation of the first wave of guests.
This is the point in the newsletter where I have to indulge myself in my very favourite theme – yes, you know it by now, food and drink. No, I’m not on a month of abstinence.

The new coffee machine only inspired me to create energy-infusing drinks to keep the gang going during our prep time. After many endeavours, we decided that the most refreshing, most energizing, and most palatable was the Iced Cappequila (yes, you guessed it – an ice-cold cappuccino with a shot of tequila!)
So, we invite you to pop in and say hello if you are returning and if you are new to Punta Mita we invite you to pop in, pick our brains on the coolest things to do and see around the area, enjoy a coffee – with or without tequila – and let us welcome you to our home!
We look forward to connecting with old friends and new!
— Miguel C
Bon vivant, gastronome and all-around great guy – Miguel Neves de Carvalho brings you the best of what Punta Mita and the surrounding area have to offer. His passions include polo, horse riding, rugby, cigars and most recently … golf.
Miguel lives in Punta Mita with his youngest son, his fiancée, Lisa, and his two dogs “Tanqueray” and “Tonica”.
He started Punta Mita-Rentals in 2012.
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Photography by Kemi Vernon. See more of her work at